12 Lug
Il Maestro Beke Istvan (Romania) terrà una MasterClass Erasmus presso il nostro Conservatorio nei giorni 17/18//19 luglio 2023 dalle 8.00 alle 14.00, presso l’Aula Magna, ingresso e presenza riservata gratuitamente ai nostri allievi interessati.
Beke István Ferenc is a classical guitar and chamber music teacher at the “Gheorghe Dima“ Music Academy from Cluj-Napoca, and also the chairman of the “Harmonia Cordis“ Association from Târgu Mureş. Being awarded numerous prizes at national and international classical guitar contests, he took part in countless master classes in country and abroad. He also held music recitals and chamber concerts in Romania, Hungary, Germany and United States. He is the organizer of the international classical guitar festivals “Harmonia Cordis“ in Târgu Mureş, Odorheiu Secuiesc, Sfântu Gheorghe, and International Guitar Days “Novum Generatio“ in Cluj-Napoca. He obtained his PhD in Music (2011) at the “Gheorghe Dima“ Music Academy, in Cluj-Napoca.